Green LOHC Pty Ltd (“GLOHC”) is looking to introduce the use of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (“LOHC”) technology to act as an efficient and safe form of hydrogen transport and long term storage into the Australian market. Australia is an excellent testing ground for testing LOHC technologies as it is following a hub and spoke strategy with the establishment of a number of efficient green hydrogen production hubs on the coast requiring access to efficient hydrogen storage and transport technologies.
As the technologies for LOHC are now being commercialized, GLOHC is looking to establish Demonstration Projects around Australia to be able to showcase the role that LOHC can play along with compressed gas and ammonia in hydrogen transport and storage.
GLOHC has been identified as one of the founding participants by the WA Government for the Oakajee hydrogen hub to be established in the mid west of Western Australia to take advantage of the world class wind and solar resources available.
GLOHC is partnering with LOHC technology provider Hynertech Co Ltd and engineering firms Fichtner & Co and Verbrec to bring this demonstration project into production.